Latest Stories
The rope around Sayeed’s neck broke—and he got a second chance
Like so many people, the effects of the global pandemic and other crises began to take their toll.
When Aminah found her sons using drugs, you helped give her hope
Like every parent, Aminah and her husband longed to give their three sons a better life.
Sakina felt crippled by fear—and nearly stopped sharing her faith
Restrictions and community pressures make it extremely difficult to talk with people about Jesus.
Zehra gave the ring back—but trusted God had a bigger plan
Public shame can follow a woman for years when she breaks off a marriage engagement in Central Asia.
Yusif just had to share the Good News
It was risky. But he had to know more.
Reaching the next generation in the most unreached region of the world
When Isaac's mother was pregnant with him, she trusted in Jesus...
Lamiya was heartbroken, you gave her hope
Lamiya was blindsided. She failed her medical entrance exam for college and was abandoned by her boyfriend.
Seeking America, finding Jesus
Rasul thought his only hope was coming to America, but you helped him find the greatest hope in the world.
How could a loving God do that
Dimitri was on a mission to punish God, but Jesus changed His heart.
Hannah faced persecution for her faith but wouldn’t give up
At 10 years old Cameron and his mother were interrogated by the police, but you gave resources to help them persevere in a persecuted land.