Latest Stories
Living Behind the Veil: Being a Woman in Central Asia
She longs to have a voice and discover her purpose in life. You can help bring the Gospel to women living under oppression.
Anora thought she was fatherless—until she met her true Father
When her father passed away, she feared what else might be taken from her unexpectedly.
Samaya’s father threatened to disown her
In Central Asia family persecution keeps people from following Jesus.
Understanding Abraham’s sacrifice
How you interpret the text reveals what you believe about. God, humanity and salvation.
Rafi is changing his city
Rafi is determined to change his city, no matter the cost.
Five tips to share your faith
With only three percent of the population professing faith in Jesus, it's challenging to share the Gospel in Central Asia.
Alam couldn’t escape the struggles—yet he found hope
Alam wanted Allah to show him the right path. Instead he found hope in Jesus.
Dilara felt stuck and helpless. You helped her find the truth.
As Dilara read the Bible for herself, her eyes were opened to the truth about Jesus.
Narmin sought purpose in creativity—then she met the Creator
"Could God have a plan for my life?" she wondered.
Five ways to reach your neighbor during Ramadan
God often uses times of spiritual seeking to soften hearts—and reach those who genuinely want to know Him.