Kadin’s boss tried to destroy his career—but God had bigger plans

Our Vision

Have the name of Jesus Christ become an unstoppable force in Central Asia and the Middle East.

Our Mission

Partnering with indigenous churches in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping them with Disciple Makers.

Five reasons you should care about the people in Central Asia 

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”. 

– Matthew 24:14

Less Than 1% of the population in Central Asia and the Middle East are evangelical Christians.

The most unreached region in the world.

If we don’t tell them, they may never hear.

Connecting people to the message of Jesus

Reaching the Unreached

We spread the gospel to the Unreached using digital media.

Connecting Seekers With Local Believers

We engage the Unreached in two-way conversation, counsel, share the gospel, and deliver Bibles.

Equipping the Church

We train and disciple online evangelists, including youth and women leaders, in partnership with indigenous churches.


Look at the impact your support has accomplished…

19 million +


Individuals who’ve watched our Christian content online

7.7 million +


Individuals who’ve engaged with our content and team

15,000 +


Individuals connected to the indigenous underground Christian Church

Stories of Hope