Sudaba faced a spiritual battle as her marriage fell apart.
Sudaba was desperate and inconsolable when she left her abusive husband.
As a woman living in a closed Central Asia country, she knew that leaving her husband could come at an exceptionally high price. In her culture a woman can be cut off from her family and community and even prevented from seeing her children.
Despite the risk Sudaba packed up her four-year-old daughter and left home, desperate for a better life. With no family living nearby, she turned to acquittances for help as she searched for work and childcare.
A woman in her community shared Sudaba’s story with a Global Heart Ministries team member. Together they connected her with Milana, a local pastor’s wife from a local church near where Sudaba was living.
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Milana met with Sudaba and listened as she shared her story through tears. Milana prayed with her and suggested she come to church. Sudaba began coming regularly and also kept in touch with Milana over the phone.
One day Sudaba’s husband, Joseph, unexpectedly attended church with his estranged wife. During the service Joseph was so nervous that he twitched and behaved very strangely. He was not receptive to the message of Jesus and couldn’t wait to leave.
After the service ended, Milana and her husband approached Joseph and offered to pray for him, but he refused their prayers. Milana continued to faithfully build trust with the couple.
Moved by her persistence and care, Joseph and Sudaba attended another service. Again Joseph twitched and hissed during the message. Sudaba begged Milana to pray for her husband as the service ended.
Immediately, Joseph scowled at the offer of prayer and put on his sunglasses. He said, “Don’t look me in the eye. I don’t want you to pray over me. People say you are bad and want to harm me. You are dangerous.”
Despite his objections Milana, her husband and another pastor laid hands on Joseph and called out to the Lord on his on his behalf, praying in the name of Jesus for several minutes. They forbid unclean spirits to speak and prayed any evil spirits would be cast out of Joseph’s body.
Joseph fell to the ground and looked like “a pierced ball, as if emptied of something, something very tangible,” Milana recalled. Joseph seemed transformed in the way he looked and behaved. He seemed—free.
Sudaba and Joseph renounced all evil and unclean spirits. They repented of their sins and proclaimed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior that day! Our local partners continue to pray for the couple and disciple them in their new faith.
Many women like Sudaba suffer abuse in the Middle East and Central Asia. They’re surrounded by spiritual darkness and are desperate for the hope and healing Jesus gives. When you partner with Global Heart Ministries, you help provide them with access to the Gospel and connection to a local persecuted church—empowering them to find hope, value, and courage in Jesus’ name.