Reaching the next generation in the most unreached region of the world.
“We are the youth of this country, a new generation, a new breath for our people,” Isaac, our in-country partner, declared.
As a team member at Global Heart Ministries’ Connect Center, he is passionate about reaching other young adults with the hope of Jesus. But he wasn’t always so eager to share the truth—it took a few challenging experiences to help him understand grace.
Right now, you can help reach young adults across Central Asia who are searching for hope and need to hear about God’s grace.
When Isaac’s mother was pregnant with him, she trusted in Jesus. As a result, Isaac grew up in a Christian family, attended church and even served at children’s camps. But he still did not fully understand the Gospel. He thought God owed him blessings.
When he was sixteen years old, his mother shared how she had taken him to the hospital when he was one year old. There he died in her arms. But after fervently praying, he miraculously came back to life.
After his mother shared that story, Isaac started to wonder why God had given him a second chance. He considered God’s plan for His life. Grace suddenly became real as he understood God did not owe Him anything but had freely given him all he had. Isaac committed his life to Jesus and to serving Him.
Everywhere he went Isaac told people about Jesus. He talked to his friends about his faith. And even while he served in the Azerbaijan military, he shared the Gospel and never hid that he was a Christian.
After returning home from the military, Isaac did not walk closely with Jesus. For three years he ran after worldly pursuits, only to be disappointed.
God got his attention through a verse in Revelation. “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (3:16).
Isaac repented and turned back to Jesus. And he has never looked back.
Today there are so many young adults like Isaac who need a second chance–you can help them learn about God’s love and His plans for them.
Today Isaac is more committed than ever to reaching the next generation with the Gospel. He plays sports with the youth in his village and talks to them about God’s love. He also serves in his local church.
“My vision is to start many house churches,” he shared, “and because of that, I and my friends travel across Azerbaijan visiting regions and villages where we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people. We do it for the revival of Jesus in Azerbaijan.”
God is using Isaac and other young leaders like him to reach Central Asia with the hope of Jesus. And together we can help them reach even more people with the Gospel.
Even when Isaac was drafted into the military for a second time, during the Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict, he remained committed to sharing Jesus with other young adults, including the soldiers he served alongside. Today he keeps in contact with many of his comrades and has had many opportunities to pray with them and share the Gospel.
Now more than ever, the next generation of youth across the region needs hope. Even though the war is over, many young people across Central Asia are wondering about their purpose in life. Through innovative technology and digital media, Global Heart Ministries shares the message of Jesus with people searching for hope and helps connect them to the persecuted church where they can develop relationships and grow in their faith.