Five ways to reach your neighbor during Ramadan.
It’s the most sacred time of year for those who follow Islam—a time of renewal, refreshing and cleansing.
During the 30-day celebration of Ramadan, women and men abstain from food and drink from sunup to sundown. They offer prayers five times a day. They clean their homes and prepare large meals for family and friends to enjoy at sunset. They serve, sacrifice and give to others, believing that Allah will accept their offerings and forgive their sins.
So how are you supposed to reach your Muslim neighbor during this time of religious devotion?
God often uses times of spiritual seeking to soften hearts—and reach those who genuinely want to know Him. You can be a part by loving and serving the people around you.
Here are five ways to reach your Muslim neighbor and share Jesus with them during Ramadan:
BUILD A RELATIONSHIP. Get to know your neighbors. Be kind to them and take a genuine interest in their lives. Look for opportunities to strike up conversations and build upon common interests.
As your relationship deepens, you can ask them more about their faith and culture. People from different regions celebrate Ramadan in slightly different ways. Ask your neighbor about their particular rituals and celebrations and demonstrate that you are sincerely interested in what is meaningful to them.
LOOK FOR WAYS TO SERVE. Ramadan is a busy and sometimes stressful time. Participants go without food and drink (including water) during the day. They spend time cleaning their homes, cooking large meals and serving in their communities.
Now is a great time for you to help meet tangible needs. Offer to drop off a baked good or meal for a neighbor to enjoy at sundown. Ask if you can help with yardwork. Pickup a practical item for them at the store.
If you have children or grandchildren at home, encourage them to help you serve. Meeting needs together is a great way to show the love of Jesus to others and to teach your children how to share their faith.
INVITE THEM INTO YOUR HOME. Welcome a neighbor or family into your home. Inviting someone over for a meal is a great way to build relationships and start spiritual conversations.
Hospitality is highly valued in Middle Eastern and Central Asian cultures. It is also a central part of Ramadan as family and friends gather for the evening meal. By welcoming someone into your home from another culture, you’re showing them honor, friendship and respect. You’re also opening up opportunities to share about Jesus.
CONNECT OVER COMMON PRACTICES. One of the best ways to start a conversation with a Muslim friend is to talk about common ground. Share how Christians also practice prayer and fasting (two of the most important aspects of Ramadan). Then talk about why you do these things—for the believer, they are not done to earn God’s favor. Instead they are a response to His grace and the means by which we grow in our relationship with Him.
If they are open to talking about Jesus, you can also share more about who He is. Talk about the Trinity and each distinct but equal person. Share about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Help them understand how Jesus is not just another prophet in the Bible, but He is unique as the only Son of God.
PRAY IN JESUS’ NAME. Ask God to reveal Himself to your Muslim neighbors during this holy time. Many people are searching spiritually. Some even seek out visions and dreams during Ramadan. Pray that God will open people’s eyes to the truth and draw them to Himself. Here is a free Ramadan Prayer Guide you can use!
You can also pray with your neighbor in Jesus’ name. If you know them well, ask them if there’s something you can be praying about for them. If you’ve invited them into your home, pray over the meal you’re about to share. If you’re unsure how to even begin a relationship with your neighbor, then start by praying for them over the next 30 days.
During this holy month, many Muslim people want to know God and experience a relationship with Him. By partnering with Global Heart Ministries, you can help give women and men access to the message of Jesus in the most unreached region of the world. Through innovative technology and digital media, we share the Gospel with those who are searching for truth and connect them to the persecuted church where they can grow in their faith.