Kadin’s boss tried to destroy his career—but God had bigger plans
“One fine day I was fired from my job.”
How could anyone say those words, especially under such circumstances?
Kadin didn’t just lose his job. The article his employer used to fire him ensured he could never work for a state agency again. In Azerbaijani culture leaving one’s job under such circumstances is a huge disgrace—and makes it that much more difficult to find work again.
Today you can help people facing difficult circumstances discover hope in Jesus.
As a child Kadin grew up without a father. His parents divorced when he was just seven months old, and his dad never played a role in his life.
His mother faithfully raised him—and he watched her journey of faith. When he was a child, she had a lot of questions about God. But for a long time, she couldn’t find anyone who could answer them.
Finally an aunt was able to tell her more about Jesus. She also started attending church.
Forgiveness became a big issue for her as she grew in her understanding of the Gospel. She knew she had to forgive her husband for leaving their family. Eventually she realized she had the answers she needed about faith. She forgave her husband and allowed God to fill the void in her life.
Kadin watched his mother walk with Jesus. He also made a decision of faith—but he never fully committed his life to God. He pursued worldly success and pleasure until he lost his job.
“When I was fired, I started seeking. God didn’t want me to live in the swampy life I was in. He had a plan for my life,” he shared.
Today you can help seekers discover God’s plans for them.
Kadin made a decision to truly follow Jesus. He went back to church. He started serving others. He even began volunteering at the Connect Center during a time of restoration.
As he grew in his faith, he saw God work through his circumstances and provide for his needs. He met his wife, Haya, at church. He was offered a job at the Connect Center. He got married and welcomed his first child.
I now run to my heavenly Father. I seek Him in one-on-one time. In the past two years during the pandemic, I found a job in ministry, I was able to have a wedding and get married. Now I am a father.
Today Kadin and Haya are thriving in their local congregation. Kadin helps connect online seekers to local churches in our network. Haya helps lead the children’s and youth ministries at their church. One day they hope to become church planters or take on additional responsibilities in their Christian community.
“I don’t want to stop. I want to serve the Lord more,” Haya shared.
One fine day Kadin was fired from his job. And it made all the difference in his life. God is using him and his story to share the message of Jesus with people living in the most unreached region of the world.
Today there are so many across Central Asia the Middle East who need to hear the message of hope. Through innovative technology and digital media, Global Heart Ministries shares the Gospel, provides faith-building resources and connects people to a local church.
Would you give today so team members like Kadin can share Jesus with more people who’ve never heard about Him?