Hannah faced persecution for her new faith but wouldn’t give up.
She heard a knock at her door. She struggled to take a breath as she saw the local police standing outside.
Hannah lives in a remote Central Asian village. She spends her days caring for her two young sons while her husband lives and works in a neighboring country. Recently she heard the message of Jesus and placed her faith in Him.
Despite living in a predominantly Islamic land, Hannah was unafraid to leave her Muslim roots. She attends a nearby church where she is growing in her faith. She also brings home Christian brochures and books to help her quietly learn more about the truth of Jesus and share Him with others.
Today you can help people like Hannah hear the Gospel, connect to a persecuted church and access biblical resources to help them grow in their faith.
One day Hannah’s son, Cameron, put some of her brochures in his backpack without her knowing it. While playing at school, his backpack came open and exposed the secret brochures. The wind carried them around the schoolyard and into the hands of many curious children. The children were alarmed by the Christian content and went to the school principal. The principal went to the police.
As a result, the police arrested Hannah and her two young sons that day.
At the police station Hannah was bullied, questioned and insulted by the local authorities. Despite the pressure she answered their questions and did not waver from her newfound Christian faith.
After the interrogation she called her pastor for help since her husband was away. When he arrived at the station, he took full responsibility for the Christian materials in her possession. The police confiscated his Bible and brochures, but they released Hannah.
Now everyone knew Hannah was a follower of Jesus. She was shunned by her relatives and forced to leave her village.Her pastor and his family took Hannah and her two sons into their home to help.
The Global Heart Ministries team heard about Hannah and her situation through our WhatsApp Prayer Group. Our team members stepped in to offer support, counsel, and prayers for her safety. In Hannah’s country, local police often plant drugs or other paraphernalia in the jacket pockets of innocent people to make their punishment worse. The Global Heart Ministries team assured Hannah and her pastor that our staff would do everything possible to help them through our connections with in-country partners.
Every day believers like Hannah are banished from their families and need connection to a local persecuted church. Will you give now to help them thrive even under persecution?
A few weeks after Hannah’s release, her pastor went to the police department to retrieve his confiscated Bible and other materials. The police asked him to explain the differences between Muslims and Christians. Even though the question may have been set as a trap, he answered with the words of Jesus from John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
The pastor shared the Gospel with those at the police department. The officers were surprised to hear that Azerbaijani Christians love, respect and pray for people in government. He also shared how the Global Heart Ministries’ staff in America had loved and encouraged them during such a difficult time. After he finished sharing, the police chief returned the pastor’s Bible and respectfully escorted him to the door to say goodbye.
Hannah did not have to go back to jail for her materials. But she was fined $1,500, a hefty amount in Central Asia. Her local church members are pooling their resources to help pay the fine.
The school principal also invited Hannah back to the school. The principal greeted her with cake, tea and a sincere apology. The principal told her about a recurring dream. A Man in a white robe appeared to him in his dreams. This Man told him he acted unjustly towards Hannah. He had hurt her very much and must ask her for forgiveness.
Seizing the opportunity, Hannah explained that Jesus was the Man in the white robe, and He changed her life. Hannah was able to proclaimed the Gospel to over 100 teachers that day as she shared her story with them!
Despite facing intense persecution, Hannah never gave up. She held onto her faith and discovered that Jesus was holding onto her throughout every trial.
Today there are millions of people across Central Asia who are surrounded by spiritual darkness. Through innovative technology and digital media, Global Heart Ministries shares the message of Jesus with people searching for hope, connects them to the persecuted church, and provides biblical resources to help them understand the truth of Jesus.