Aylin quit social media—today she uses it to share Jesus
Aylin closed her social media accounts. Like so many things in her life, it seemed superficial and left her with more questions than answers. Her mother was worried. Aylin seemed discouraged and disillusioned. So she reached out to our team member, Tarana, online and asked if she could help her daughter. As a social media evangelist, Tarana uses social media to make a positive impact—and share Jesus.
Today you can share Jesus with young adults who are searching for hope.
Tarana had been friends with Aylin’s mother for years, but they had lost touch. She connected with Aylin. And for the first time in her life, Aylin heard the Gospel.
She’d spent years searching for answers to her spiritual questions. “I always looked for God, but I couldn’t find Him,” she said.
No one around her seemed to have answers either. Her parents are nominally practicing Muslims. Her brother is an atheist. Finally, during her teenage years, her aunt suggested she try Islam.
She started practicing Namaz—praying to Allah five times a day at specific times. But God didn’t seem any closer or more real. She visited her local mosque, talking with people there to see if they had answers.
While she struggled to find answers to her spiritual questions, she also longed for love and acceptance.
At the age of five, Aylin’s father was imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. He spent the next 13 years separated from his family. He missed birthday parties, holidays and graduations.
The family endured the stigma of having their father imprisoned. Aylin’s mother was too afraid to let her play with other children. She longed for a sense of stability and security—but she didn’t find it in religion.
“I did everything to find God. To feel Him. Despite all this I didn’t find Him,” she shared.
Today you can help reach seekers who’ve given up on finding God.
By the time she met Tarana in her mid-twenties, Aylin had given up on finding God. When their conversations turned to Jesus, she was interested but simply couldn’t believe.
“He’s awesome, I wish He really existed.” Aylin thought to herself. “But unfortunately, He is just a fairytale.”
Even though it didn’t all make sense, there was something intriguing about Jesus. She began praying to Him, “If You are real, please show Yourself to me. How can I believe You? How can I love You?”
Aylin started to sense God’s presence in her life. She would cry if she heard the name of Jesus or a Christian song. She had a Bible at home and started to read it. Suddenly the Gospel began to make sense to her.
“I was so sorry I didn’t know Him,” she said. “Why didn’t I worship Him? Why was I so blind?”
Previously Aylin’s life felt dark and boring. But now everything has changed. Aylin knows God is the Father who will never leave or forsake her. Her relationship with her earthly father has been restored, and her parents allow her to practice Christianity freely.
Over the past few months, Aylin has been serving alongside our team member Narmin, helping her share Jesus with more people through her artistic videos. Narmin is also discipling Aylin, and just recently she began serving in the Connect Center.
The team has been praying that Aylin would be able to find a local church, and she just started attending one!. She is excited to connect with other believers and grow in her faith even more.
Before joining the Connect Center team, Aylin had the opportunity to sign with a modeling agency in Azerbaijan. It was a chance to make lots of money and travel the world. But she realized it wouldn’t bring true happiness. Instead she chose to serve as a volunteer in the Connect Center.
Now she uses social media to reach seekers—just like herself—with the Gospel. “People are always on social media. And we can share a lot of things about Jesus,” she said.
She wants everyone to experience the love, acceptance and hope she’s found.
Today there are millions of women and men all across the Middle East and Central Asia who are searching for hope. Through innovative technology and digital media, Global Heart Ministries shares the message of Jesus, provides faith-building resources and connects people to the persecuted church.
Would you give today to share Jesus with seekers like Aylin who’ve never heard about Him?
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